I wanted to write you this letter for a long time. If you remember it was a long time ago that you left us. I still remember your words like it was yesterday,
"You make me miserable, I can't live in this house any longer."
And you had walked away, I find it hard to believe that you forgot us but how can I answer the fact that you haven't called, visited or sent any mails to us since you left. You are not here but the problems are.
Mom hasn't been herself since you left, I had to grow up overnight at the age of 13, Didn't I deserve to be a kid for a little longer, didn't I need my dad but you were not here. You left and never came back but with your absense we had to face all the difficulties alone. For a long time, he had little to no money. Then Mom started some work and that's how we survived.
But how would you know all that, You are not here, why aren't you here? Where did you go? Why didn't you ever visit us? Don't you remember us any more? Did we do anything wrong? You are not here but you left us all the people who chased us for the money you owed them.
You are not here but the cracks in the wall are there which cried for repairs but we barely survived and there's wasn't even enough money to eat both the times. How could we spare the money on un-necessary things like repair. I try to forget but can't forget the sight of you lying on the floor, cluching your chest, after you said those words. Doctor said you had a heart attack. You left us and never even visited us in dreams. You are not here, you left us alone in this cruel world.
Your Son
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