Monday, January 7, 2013

...and the world was silent again

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 35; the thirty-fifth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "...and the world was silent again"
A long time ago .. really long time ago .. our world was silent except for the sound of nature.

then there were Microbes .. who evolved to be more advanced species ..

They kept on evolving becoming fishes, dinosaurs and what not ..

Then the Dinosaurs were destroyed but the world kept on ... making sounds

No species was ultra-dominant keeping the circle of life and food pyramid active..

Slowly one Species developed be much different from others,

they walked differently they hunted differently they lived differently .. they also made different sounds

That Species was Humans ..

They didn't just kill to eat they killed for fun too .. World kept on making sounds

Humans became such a dominating Specie they caused many others to extinct ... They killed animals to extinction they fished the ponds to the point that there was no fish left there .. from Pond to they moved to river from river to sea and from sea to the Oceans.. World kept on making sounds ..

Slowly there were too many and too advanced .. humans .. ate everything the nature had to offer no animal was left alone as it was more important to feed people but they also hated the insects the one could not eat they want to eliminate them as they contaminated their food and troubled them.

An ultra advanced team of scientists was created from all over the world .. their mission to find a way to eliminate all the insects who were inedible .. They succeeded ....

All the humans enjoyed, there were festivities all around for all the annoying insects were finally gone .... World kept on making sounds

Sure enough humans learned the effects of their actions .. since all the insects were gone ..

there was nothing to make sure that pollination of plants occurred .. this caused all the plants to die off as they could not reproduce .. this also meant that all the crops humans planted were also affected and didn't grow at all ..

all the animals who died and not eaten by humans were just there smelling horrible as there were no insects or  others birds to eat them they were extinct by humans who ate them too.

Within 50 years all the life on earth was over no humans no animals no birds no fishes no insects no nothing .. only the microbes

and the world was silent again

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: Vikas Khair, Participation Count: 13